2. Lavori recenti. Recent Work
Negli ultimi anni, come freelance, ha realizzato in particolare 2 dvd sul buddhismo con Matthieu Ricard, biologo molecolare e monaco buddhista della tradizione tibetana, consigliere e traduttore del Dalai Lama, autore di best sellers sul buddhismo. Ha realizzato una lunga inchiesta sul futuro del Tibet, intervistando a Dharamsala, India, esponenti del governo tibetano in esilio e delle maggiori ONG. In Cina ha realizzato con il maestro Chungliang Al Huang 4 dvd sul taoismo. Recentemente ha pubblicato un dvd su Shambhala, attraverso lo studio del pittore e ricercatore Nicholas Roerich.
Questi dvd sono acquistabili scrivendo a guidoeferrari@bluemail.ch, presso gli editori indicati o nei negozi specializzati.
In recent years, as a freelance documentarist, Guido Ferrari produced two DVDs on Buddhism in particular with Matthieu Ricard, who is a molecular biologist and
Buddhist monk in the Tibetan tradition, adviser and translator to the Dalai Lama, and author of several best sellers on Buddhism. Guido also made a long investigation on the future of Tibet,
traveling to Dharamsala, India, to interview representatives of the Tibetan government in exile and major NGOs. In China he recently produced four DVDs on Taoism together with master Chungliang
Al Huang. He recently published a DVD about Shambhala, based on the work of artist and researcher Nicholas Roerich.
These DVDs can be purchased by writing to guidoeferrari@bluemail.ch as well as from the publishers listed or specialty stores.
DVD recenti. Recent DVDs
Matthieu Ricard: Témoignage d’un bouddhisme vivant, de Guido Ferrari, AlizéDiffusion, France
1. Se transformer soi-même, 47’, documentaire
2. Le bouddhisme et l’occident, 47’, interview
3. Le bouddhisme et la science, 60’, interview
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai_uAj0UCGU&feature=youtube_gdata_playerMatthieu Ricard : Bouddhisme et bonheur, de >Guido Ferrari, 90’, AlizéDiffusion, France
Tradotto in italiano con il titolo :
Matthieu Ricard : L’uomo più felice del mondo. Come la meditazione cambia il cervello: le scoperte delle neuroscienze, di Guido Ferrari, 90’, Macro Edizioni+Amrita Edizioni, Italiahttp://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gh6B3L72sqM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Tibet: Quale futuro? di Guido Ferrari, 1 ora 47’, documentario, Breizh Productions, Francehttp://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMNq0bdv1tE&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Tibet: What future? A film by Guido Ferrari, 1 hour 47’, documentary, Breizh Productions, Francehttp://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CatxOqa_I34&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Chungliang Al Huang: The Watercourse Way at Wu Yi Mountain, a film by Guido Ferrari, published by Guido Ferrari.
Disc 1: Tao at Wu Yi Mountain, 1 hour 25’
Disc 2: Tai Ji at Wu Yi Mountain, 1 hour 38’
Chungliang Al Huang: Return to China: In search of Mother and Father’s ancestry, a film by Guido Ferrari, published by Guido Ferrari
Disc 1: In search of Mother's ancestry, 1 hour 28’
Disc 2: In search of Father’s ancestry, 1 hour 24’
Shambhala. Nicholas Roerich and Tibetan Buddhism, a film by Guido Ferrari, 56’, published by the Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York.
Guido Ferrari ha recentemente intervistato il ricercatore Masaru Emoto per il dvd “La coscienza dell’acqua” pubblicato da Macro Edizioni e il fisico Amit Goswami per il dvd “The Quantum Activist”, pure pubblicato da Macro Edizioni.
Ha scritto un contributo per il libro di Ervin Laszlo “The Akashic Experience: Science and the Cosmic Memory Field “, pubblicato da “Inner Traditions”.
Ha intervistato il maestro buddhista James Low sul significato dello Dzogchen “Saying the unsayable. What is Dzogchen?” 30’. Può essere visto su: http://http://vimeo.com/21652318
Ha intervistato James Low su "What is Love" : http://vimeo.com/55382686
Ha intervistato il maestro buddhista Tulku Thondup sulla guarigione “The healing power of the mind” 28’.
Ha intervistato il maestro buddista Ringu Tulku sulla consapevolezza “ Awareness and Harmony” 30’
Ha realizzato un documentario di 90’ su “Yahne le Toumelin, nonne bouddhiste et peintre”.
Ha realizzato un documentario di 3 ore “Matthieu Ricard: La méditation”
Guido Ferrari has recently interviewed the researcher Masaru Emoto for the DVD "Water Consciousness" published by Macro Edizioni and the physicist Amit Goswami for the DVD "The Quantum Activist", both published by Macro Edizioni.
He contributed to Ervin Laszlo's book "The Akashic Experience: Science and the Cosmic Memory Field," published by "Inner Traditions."
Guido Ferrari interviewed the Buddhist teacher James Low on the meaning of Dzogchen: "Saying the unsayable. What is Dzogchen?" (30'). It can be seen here: http://http://vimeo.com/21652318
Guido Ferrari interviewed James Low on Love
He interviewed the Buddhist teacher Tulku Thondup on healing: "The healing power of the mind" (28').
He interviewed the Buddhist teacher Ringu Tulku on awareness: "Awareness and Harmony" (30').
He produced a 90 ' documentary entitled “ Yahne Toumelin, nonne bouddhiste et peintre”.
He produced a 3-hour documentary entitled “Matthieu Ricard : La méditation”